Getting a Driver’s License


   I remember hearing on a youtube video that young people aren’t getting driver's licenses anymore, followed by criticism of today's youth by an old guy. Then I noticed some facts that someone must point out, so here we go.

   Conservatives like this older man tend to cluster in the country. The country states have smaller towns and less traffic. They also have back roads. Growing up in California, learning to drive terrified me. There was nowhere to safely practice except the Saddleback Church parking lot, which banned student drivers from using it. The idea of going from clueless about driving to traffic-congested, fast-paced, road-raged streets is a nightmare. Now in Wyoming, I’ve almost got my license because no other cars mean no fear of fucking up or hurting someone, mostly.

   Where does this connect to my Blog point? Well, the second reason for the lack of new drivers is parents. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the middle-aged group is the angriest and most volatile in the United States every generation? Anger issues are one thing, but some highly critical parents panic at the mere thought of their child behind the wheel. Either of these parents would easily cause panic in the new drivers resulting in poor driving, low confidence, and a desperate desire to call it quits. 

   When my abusive father got me behind the wheel here in Wyoming, for once, he was calm and encouraging, ironically. But most of the time in California and Wyoming, up until the separation, he couldn’t be bothered to teach me. My adoptive mom, however, tried back in California and freaked out. I had a panic attack after the drama was all over, as weird as that sounds. My mom used my panic attack as an excuse to keep me off the road, but she knew she couldn’t teach me without being overly critical and panicking, causing breakdowns and drama. She tried to keep me off the road as long as possible. I’m 27, and my mom is finally teaching me. And yes, it is, in fact, constant criticism the whole way. She’s trying to quit, but the fear and anxiety have been tied into me already. When I’m confident, I drive well. When I’m nervous, I drive not so well.

   The third reason is having an anxiety disorder. Which many young people do. Including me. If you’re afraid of the checkout counter, you’re sure as hell scared to drive. All these things create a reluctance to learn the scary skill of driving a giant death machine. The impact these things have on the environment encourages this reluctance. Why drive if you love the planet? Unless you can afford an electric car, that is.

   But once I got behind the wheel and drove, I felt so free. And I look forward to going wherever I want during the day or night. It’s empowering and life-enriching. I can even attend the DBT group therapy sessions at the hospital! I can take my dog to the park! And maybe without my mom beside me, I can get a date, haha.



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